Tomáš Kudrna, the original author of this web site, died in airctaft accident on June 4, 2016.
His web is kept in the last known state as historical document and in his memory.

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Author: (c)2000 Tom
Up-to-date contact info is at the top of main page -
Note written in 2010: L is my lifelong partner. We have a stable :-) relatioship (this idea of "stable relationship" clicks with us, though it's not mine - I've taken it from a friend in the UK. I also built a stable for one pony next to our dungeon (sorry, most of this site is in Czech only). Simply put, we plan to be together "till death do us part". It was not always the case, but enough of this ranting. The reason I'm writing this - this web showcased our real names, faces without black strips, etc. However, some people did not appreciate this honesty and with regard to that, and also to our growing children and increasing availability of Internet at schools... I believe you understand why this web had to move to a new domain, and all texts underwent complete anonymization. End of tom's note from the future

This mini page contains short narratives to the photos I shoot at our friends' pony farm during our three-week holiday in August 2002 - we travelled all over Europe. The photos show that ponyplay can be exactly like the training of real horses. Or feeding of real horses, or saddling-up, or harnessing, driving, or breeding (well, the last activity is not shown in the pictures) :-)

If you'd like to read how a SM/ponyplay farm established of pure devotion and gradually commercionalized, you can read my old report written at the time when the farm was founded.

With L at De Ferre pony farm

The beginning of the training - you have to warm the pony up by walking and later on, by trotting. Even if ponyplay was not "your thing", you can be one of the many people, who are quickly brought to a trance by rhytmic thomping in a tight circle on a lunge...

The pony has earned a refresher - besides something to eat, she is served water, because long scenes make you both sweat. The pony is losing body water fast, not only by drooling around the bit...

Having been warmed up, having eaten and been watered, the pony is harnessed to a sulky and we trot off to the woods of DeFerre. So many paths and absolute collectedness...

After one and a half hour, I unharness the pony, we thank each other for a beautiful scene and after a pause, we switch our roles for a while. I have been to DeFerre two times before, including drawing a sulky, but with L in the driver's seat, it is different. I am pulling harder and the feeling is different - believe me, the "week-long" D/s was strong stuff, but it is L whom I love...

Those interested in ponyplay can see a few details in the photos; not everything is ideal - see the last picture with English sulky - it looks not so good when the pony's arms are tied loosely behind his/her back, not tied to the sulky's shafts, as we usually do.

And that's all you from that day (that you will see :-)

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